All representatives of student organizations at Universitas Dian Nuswantoro (Udinus) participated in the'Police Goes to Campus'event, held in the Hall on the seventh floor of the H Building. The event, led by the Head of the District Police of Central Java Province, aimed to inspire students to foster a peaceful atmosphere during the upcoming 2024 presidential election.
The event underscored the theme of ‘Students' Role in the 2024 Presidential Election.’ The liveliness of the discussion was evident in the thoughtful questions given by the participants. The event, held on Monday, November 14th, 2023, saw the active participation of 45 representatives from various student organizations at Udinus.

The material was given directly by the Police Commissioner, Indra Romantika, or the Head of the District Police at Central Semarang Region. “Student is one of the elements that play an active role in this matter,” said Indra. Hence, it is not so rare that their activity is related to public communities. Owing to that, this socialization is conducted to embody a peaceful atmosphere when the process of election is ongoing.
"Now that we are present on the Udinus campus, we have great expectations for the widespread acceptance of knowledge, our focus extends beyond students. They are the ones who will actively conduct in socializing peaceful election to the public communities,” emphasized Indra.
Wholeheartedly Welcomed by the Student Affairs
Dr. Kusni Ingsih, M.M., Vice-Chancellor III of the Student Affairs Sector at Udinus, also attended the event to give a speech. On that occasion, she emphasized that students understood well toward the material given by the Commissioner, Indra Romantika. To this day, Udinus has given knowledge to its students, particularly to the members of student organizations about cross-cultural sensitivity commonly known as anti-sara.
Moreover, Dr. Kusni Ingsih, M.M., also hoped that students could prevent any kind of harassment toward certain ethnic groups, races, religions, or even political diversity around the campus area. When engaging in politics, students are still allowed to perform it outside campus. Without participating in demonstrations or similar acts that make use of other people.
"This training is particularly well-timed as students are going to engage in the presidential election. It is hoped that this outreach will yield positive impacts for both students and the public," said Her.
As an additional information, the 2024 election will be held on Wednesday, February 14th, 2024. Students who are already 17 years old are allowed to select their desired president. During this event, students will choose the president, vice president, member of the House of Representatives, member of the Provincial Legislative Council, member of the Regional Legislative Council, and the member of Regional Representative Council. (Udinus Public Relation/Haris. Photo: Udinus PR)