Universitas Dian Nuswantoro is appointed by the Directorate of Learning and Student affair better known as Belmawa to become the host organizer of the Monitoring and Evaluation (M & E) Visitation of Student Organization Capacity Building Program (SOCBP) in 2023.
The Visitation was held in the meeting room of the H.1 Building at Udinus. This event was attended by several universities in Semarang such as Universitas Diponegoro (Undip), Universitas Negeri Semarang (Unnes), including other personal institutions in Semarang. All of these representatives are part of universities that are included in the SOCBP program.
The event, held on Saturday, November 11th, 2023, marked the beginning of the visitation series. Before heading to the field, each university showcased the progress of the Student Organization Capacity Building Program (SOCBP). During this event, a series of coaching sessions were conducted to guide student organizations in the development of their community service programs.

Dr. Rindra Yusianto S.Kom, M.T., the head of the Student Affairs Bureau (BIMA) at Udinus and the head manager of SOCBP, represented Udinus during the presentation. He provided updates on the ongoing progress of SOCBP and discussed the current state of student affairs activities at Udinus.
"Out of the 16 submitted proposals, 10 qualified for funding. Additionally, 7 successfully passed verification for the visitation and 'Abdidaya' program scheduled to take place in Jember. This marks an improvement compared to last year when only four proposals qualified for the Abidaya Program. Dr. Rindra explained that this indicates progress from both students and accompanying lecturers, as well as the student association.
SOCBP stands for the Coaching Student Capacity Organization Program. It involves a structured process of university support for student organizations, ranging from implementation to cultivation and community service programs.
Fully Support Given by the Campus

Dr. Kusni Ingsih, M.M., Vice-Chancellor III, made an appearance to deliver a speech during the event. She emphasized Udinus' continuous support for the Student Organization Capacity Building Program (SOCBP). The primary goal of this event is to align and assist students, fostering synergy among various units, including the Quality Assurance Council (QAC), the Learning and Development Institute (LP2K), the Institution of Research and Community Service (LPPM), faculties, and BIMA.
“Besides that, there is also support in the form of funding and publication. To publish the proposals, there are several media including TVKU which will share them across central Java province, Campus Corner with particular coverage about the Abdidaya Program. Moreover, there is also a national mass media that collaborates with the university’s public relations, Udinus SOCBP Website, and billboard publication,” said Dr. Kusni.
In addition, Dr. Kusni as the Vice-Chancellor III student affairs also emphasizes that SOCBP at Udinu performs in a variety of fields such as village tourism, women's cultivation, independence village, and more.
"The reviewer happened to be the same as last year. He also felt that there was an improvement as he personally observed the activities conducted. Kusni concluded by expressing hope that the implementation of SOCBP in the seven locations will continue to develop the village's potential and bring benefits to the community.
She hopes that in the future SOCBP can always be held because it provides experience for students to go directly to the community in overcoming existing problems.