As the Independent Entrepreneurship Entrepreneurship Program at Universitas Dian Nuswantoro (Udinus) closed its curtain, many young entrepreneurs emerged as fruitions of this particular program. The conclusion of this program was held in the form of a closing ceremony, with various participants and partners attending it on the third floor of the E building.
The event was embodied in the form of a sharing session representatives from students, faculty members, and partners sharing their priceless experiences while undergoing the 2023 Independent Entrepreneurship Program. In addition, the closing ceremony was hosted both online through the Zoom Meeting Platform, and offline on Friday, December 15th, 2023.
A representative from the Angkut. team, Tito Wira Eka Suryawijaya, claimed that he and his teammates had garnered many benefits and experience through the Independent Entrepreneurship Program. Moreover, he also appreciated the culmination of the program, that being Expo and Demo Day.
“By diving into the practice as entrepreneurs, we could feel the atmosphere of professionalism, and through the criticism given by consumers, we could also evaluate our products. With other 80 booths, we became more motivated to engage in market competition and develop our products even further,” he explained as other participants in the closing ceremony.
As the ceremony neared its end, participants, faculty members, and other parties involved were given an appreciation embodied symbolically through awards certificates. The certificate encompassed Products Approved by Investors, Best Instructors, Best Facilitators, and Funded Products.
Magumi Avrorar Iftita, a representative from the Bandeng Asap Cair team expressed her pleasure for her products being successfully funded by investors. Through this finding, she and her teammates would like to routinely participate in expos and promote their products.
“I could not be happier for the funding we received. For the time being, we would like to develop our products using other materials, and our final aim would be opening our own booth to continue the business,” she explained.
In addition to Bandeng Asap Cair, there were other six products funded by investors, including Telantea, Angkut.In, Numero Uno Coffee, Bandeng Fishline Food, The Gulkam, and Konco Sehat.
Dr. Rindra Yusianto, M.T., the Head of the Committee of the 2023 Independent Entrepreneurship Program at Udinus, stated that these awards were given to teams with phenomenal performance in the Independent Entrepreneurship Program. He and the whole committee would always guide those students to the path of true entrepreneurship.
“Hopefully, all students participating in this program could implement the Artificial Intelligence (AI) dan Business intelligence (BI) in running their business. We are sure that they are the future of this nation, particularly in the field of entrepreneurship,” he concluded.
Prior to this, the 2023 Independent Entrepreneurship Program at Udinus had also reached the post-immersion stage, which was hosted in the form of Expo and Demo Day. The Expo and Demo Day was participated by 400 students divided into 80 different booths, serving as a way to test their products on the market. Additionally, the expo was hosted in the atrium of the Park Mall Semarang from December 2nd to 3rd, 2023. (Humas Udinus/Haris. Foto: Dok. Biro Kemahasiswaan).