Deo Galih P – An Alumna of the Communication Science Department at Udinus

Menjadi Public Relations (PR) di sebuah perusahaan menjadi pekerjaan impian untuk beberapa orang, termasuk perempuan bernama Deo Galih P. Alumni Program Sarjana Ilmu Komunikasi (Ilkom) Universitas Dian Nuswantoro (Udinus) itu berhasil  meraih cita-citanya dan menjadi PR Hotel @Hom Simpang Lima Semarang.

Perempuan yang akrab disapa ‘Deo’ itu mengaku sejak kecil, ia sudah suka bertemu dan berinteraksi dengan banyak orang. Di tengah sebagian besar keluarganya yang memiliki latar belakang seorang wartawan, perempuan kelahiran Semarang itu justru tertarik di bidang Public Relations.

“I always see my job as a form of hobby; thus, I can enjoy everything coming out of it,” she revealed.

During her studies at Udinus, Deo, born in 1997, revealed that the campus had been well-equipped with facilities allowing her to explore her potential. Up to this day, Deo claimed that she was still utilizing the experiences gathered from her studies.

“Every time I learned a new theory, I could essentially implement it directly in the real world. This is because Udinus had sufficient facilities and technologies. This would allow students to do their studies efficiently. Moreover, the strategic location and the nice buildings are additions or bonuses to me. In addition, Udinus also has many media and non-media relations, allowing me to keep doing my job as a PR Officer,” she explained

Sebagai seorang Public Relations, Deo mengungkapkan penting untuk mengetahui detail produk perusahaannya. Dalam hal ini, ia merupakan bagian perusahaan perhotelan. Oleh karena itu, perempuan yang memiliki akun Instagram @dheogalihp itu harus mengetahui detail produk hotelnya untuk menjaga kenyamanan pengunjung. Selain itu, menjadi seorang Public Relations, erat kaitannya dengan kerja sama tim. Banyak hal yang harus didiskusikan bersama tim. Misalnya, strategi promosi, materi promosi, dan sejenisnya.

Di era pesatnya digitalisasi dan gempuran media sosial, menurutnya seorang Public Relations harus bisa tetap mengikuti perkembangan trend yang ada dan mengkolaborasikan ilmu PR dan sosial media. Selain itu, penting juga untuk menjaga relasi dengan rekan-rekan media.

For the time being, Deo is committed to making a positive contribution to her workplace.
“Hopefully, as a PR Officer here at the @Hom Simpang Lima Hotel, I can adapt and hold synergy with other Horison groups, as well as tying new relations and collaborations with media partners,” she revealed.

Deo, who graduated in 2019, also encouraged students not to be afraid to ask, as every day, there are lots of things to be explored and learned to be creative.

“Don’t ever be afraid to ask. Do not ever doubt yourself and keep saying, ‘I want to be taught,’ because this is a part of learning. Finally, I would also recommend you to tie relations and participate in events you are passionate about,” she concluded. (Humas Udinus/Ika. Foto: Dok. Pribadi)