An undergraduate student of the Information Systems Program at Universitas Dian Nuswantoro (Udinus) Kediri creates business ideas that answer the surrounding problems. Through his passion, Habib Abdullah Faqih (21) regularly participates in various similar competitions to continue to improve his insight in the business field.

The man who is familiarly called Habib admitted that he had gained many insights and experiences by participating in various competitive events. One of those experiences is his passion to dive in the business world. He takes competition as his step forward to prepare himself for large-scale business planning. 

"By participating in competitive events, I become more mentally prepared to compete against other competitors. Because I think mentality is very important, once I go into the professional world, competition is inevitable," said Habib. 

Recently, Habib a student of the 2023 cohort, created business ideas in the form of an application called "Kazeem". It is b boarding school management service based on Software as a Service (Saas). He revealed that the idea emerged as a solution to the management of Islamic boarding schools that were still conventional. 

"This idea comes to me due to the 31 percent surge in Islamic boarding school services in Indonesia. However, many of those schools haven't taken advantage of technology as a management system," explained Habib. 

"Through the Kazeem app, I try to provide integrated information technology service solutions for the operational management of Islamic boarding schools. Kazeem app has also been tested in several Islamic boarding schools and has given promising results," he added. 

Habib Abdullah Faqih – Mahasiswa Program Sarjana Sistem Informasi Kediri
Carving Various Achievements

One of the achievements he attained was when he stood in second place in the Elevate The Future Of Education Through Technology (Edulogy) competition. Not only that, but recently Habib also won the Digcofest Business Plan competition and was awarded as best of speaker

"Although I have not been able to get maximum results, only by participating and winning the championship can increase my self-confidence. This also applies to the problem-solving, communication, and analysis skills that I use to find business ideas," said the student born in Lamongan, on February 24, 2003. 

Habib also admitted that Udinus has a very good atmosphere for students who want to excel. According to him, the support from the lecturers and fellow students plays an important role in finding new ideas. Currently, he is also active as a member of the student organization on campus and is a member of the Student Organizational Capacity Strengthening Program team. 

“In the future, my goal is to participate in other organizations and competitions to continue honing my knowledge and skills. I also have a dream to be able to study abroad as one of the strategies to create a better environment around me," said Habib, the user of the Instagram account hafaqih_. (PR Udinus/Haris. Photo: Personal Doc.)