Sri Hapsari Wahyuningtyas – Undergraduate Student of Udinus Environmental Health Program

Community service is one of the Three Teaching or Tri Dharma of Higher Education that must be carried out by all academicians, including students. This act is one of the programs that is also carried out by students at Universitas Dian Nuswantoro (Udinus). One of the students who keeps conducting community services is Sri Hapsari Wahyuningtyas (21). She is an undergraduate student of Udinus Environmental Health Program known as Kesling which is an abbreviation of Kesehatan Lingkungan. 

Through the annual ‘Bina Desa‘ work program, the student who is familiarly called ‘Tyas’ dove directly into the public to conduct community service. She organized the action along with the Student Association (SA) Kesling, solving various problems. 

"Problems that are still often encountered in remote areas such as the lack of waterways, toilet facilities for residents, and the difficulty of accessing clean water. Some of these factors encouraged us to participate in providing solutions to the community," Said Tyas. 

“By participating in community service activities, I learned a lot of things and became more aware that there are still many problems in the middle of society. These issues occur usually in remote areas," added Tyas. 

Bersama HM Kesling, Tyas Ikut Terapkan Tri Dharma Perguruan Tinggi di Masyarakat
PRESTASI: Tyas saya foto bersama dengan sertifikat juara pada ajang Abdidaya 2023.

Tyas, born in 2003, admitted that she gained a lot of knowledge and experience when participating in Village Development activities. One of the activities that she did was making direct observations about environmental problems. 

“I also gained some experience in providing education and soft skills training related to sanitation. This is certainly useful for honing the soft skills that I couldn't get in a formal lecture class," explained Tyas.

Both activities from the association's work program and academic courses are interrelated. For example, in the ‘Community Empowerment‘ course, students are asked to plunge directly into the community. The knowledge that she got from the course can be applied when carrying out community service work programs.

"In addition, we were also given the knowledge of data processing and map making, namely Qgis and Spss. Some of the practicums taught from several courses such as making eco enzymes, ecovreaks, and liquid smoke can also be applied to the community," added Tyas, a student of the 2021 cohort.

Abdidaya's Achievements

Sebelumnya, pada Program Penguatan Kapasitas Ormawa (PPKO) 2023, mahasiswi kelahiran Bekasi itu juga telah mengikuti program Abdidaya bersama rekan-rekan HM Kesling lainnya. Perjuangan mereka dari bulan Januari memanen hasil yang menyenangkan dengan meraih juara 4 Tim Pelaksana dengan Teknologi Terinovasi. Adapun inovasi yang diwujudkan berupa alat mitigasi Pendeteksi Tanah Longsor Landslide Early Warning System. 

"This achievement proves that the Kesling study program can still excel despite its smaller number of students compared to other study programs," said Tyas.

Furthermore, Tyas who has a hobby of writing and telling stories also said that this study program has taught her not only the theory but also the real practice as well. Students can apply their knowledge in institutions that are linear with environmental health. 

"During the lecture, we will also be equipped with competency certification, including EIA (Environmental Impact Analysis) certification and Entomologist certification. So that we no longer need to doubt if we enter the business world in the future," she concluded. (PR Udinus/Ika. Photo: Doc. Doc.)