In order for an excellent institution to stand, one must possess three important aspects, including persistence, solidarity, and consistency. These three keys were shared by the Chancellor of Universitas Dian Nuswantoro with all principals of private high schools within Kediri.
Udinus has indeed seen rapid improvement over the years, from initially being a small computer course to having an Off-Primary Campus Study Program (PSDKU) in Kediri. This incredible success was brought by none other than the competent leadership skills owned by the Chancellor of Udinus, Prof. Dr. Ir. Edi Noersasongko, M.Kom. Those three aspects upheld by him eventually led to Udinus having more than 17.000 students.
Countless innovations and accomplishments also brought Udinus to attain this particular success, as well as the Excellent accreditation in March 2022.
“Through persistence, solidarity, as well as consistency, we, the academic community, could achieve this Excellent accreditation, allowing us to be more trusted by the general public,” the chancellor explained.
Furthermore, the chancellor also stated that those three keys or principles were taught to students by instructors. Thus, students will be motivated to create innovations with real impacts on society, particularly by utilizing the Informatics Technology the campus is famously known for.
“We will always instruct our faculty members and students to pay attention to the technological development, particularly in the field of Artificial intelligence (AI). In addition, we also have several innovations equipped with AI, including, the Udinus Campus Electric Pedicab (Becik-KU), and the Chess Robot (Roca-KU),” the chancellor uttered.
Moreover, the chancellor was also committed to preserving the local cultures. By employing the technological approach, the campus could bring the Sekar Nuswantoro Gamelan Robot into reality. The robot is capable of playing gamelan for 24 hours.
“By utilizing the Virtual Reality technology, we also developed the Gamelan Metaverse, allowing students to play gamelan without having a set of real gamelans,” he added.
The workshop
Those three principles, namely, persistence, solidarity, and consistency were shared by Prof. Dr. Ir. Edi Noersasongko, M.Kom (the Chancellor of Udinus) at the Competence Improvement Workshop. The workshop was attended by 63 principals of private high schools within Kediri. Employing the theme ‘Leadership and Public Speaking,’ the workshop was hosted at the Spencer Green Hotel Batu, on Saturday, February 24th, 2024.
At the workshop, Prof. Edi encouraged all principals to influence their teams in embodying three primary principles. Hence, those principals were expected to be excellent leaders with the capability of improving their institutions, as well as inflicting positive impacts on these institutions.
“Do your best for your institutions, students, and the general public within Kediri. Do not ever be afraid of taking risks by carefully calculating the odds, as well as praying to Almighty God,” the chancellor emphasized.
On that occasion, several prominent figures also made an appearance, including Sidik Purnomo, S.Pd., M.Si. (the Head Section of Vocational High School of Kediri Service Branch), Drs. Imam Satori, M.Pd i., (the Superintendent of Vocational High Schools., Dr. Abdul Syukur (the Director od the Off-Primary Campus Study Program), Mohamad Fadholi, S.Kom, (the Head of the Private Vocational High School Principal Association of Kediri).
At the workshop, Sidik Purnomo, S.Pd., M.Si., expressed his gratitude to Udinus for the insight. Furthermore, he also hoped for this workshop to inspire principals of private vocational high schools in Kediri to improve their institutions, as well as the quality of their students and teachers.
“Hopefully, we can eventually implement these tips and tricks in leading our institutions to be better. Additionally, we would also like to hope for this workshop to motivate our fellow principals of private vocational high schools in Kediri,” he concluded. (Humas Udinus/Alex. Foto: Humas Udinus)