Universitas Dian Nuswantoro (Udinus) held an Integrated Development Post commonly known as 'Posbindu' for Non-Communicable Diseases (NCDs) and Treatment. This activity is intended for people in Semarang City, especially those who reside in the Pendrikan Kidul area.
In addition, the academic community of Udinus also participated in checking their health conditions in the event held on the 1st floor of the H Building Udinus. Various health services are provided in the program. Among them are waist circumference measurements, body mass index (BMI) measurements, blood sugar, gout, cholesterol, and treatment services.
The Integrated Development Post for Non-infectious Diseases and Medication initiated by the Health Science Faculty also tied collaborations with the campus clinic and the Computer Science Faculty, as stated by the Vice Dean of Academic and Student Affairs at the Computer Science Faculty, Dr. Ahmad Zainul Fanani, S.Si., M.Kom.
"This activity aims to provide services so that the academic community and the local community near the campus area can maintain their health. On this occasion, Posbindu is collaborating with the Faculty of Computer Science and the Faculty of Health Science," he explained.
Medical Facilities
By holding the Posbindu event, Dr. Ahmad Zainul Fanani, S.Si., M.Kom., expected that the whole academic community of Udinus and the local residents could enjoy the medical facilities. However, this event is still widely open for the general public who wants to conduct a health check-up.
According to him, health is dynamic; therefore, it is important to regularly check up. Furthermore, the vice dean also wished for this program to be hosted more often.
"Health condition is dynamic, right? Today we feel healthy but tomorrow we may feel the opposite. So it is necessary to routinely perform checkups. Hopefully, this activity can also be routinely held in each faculty so that it can be used by the entire academic community of Udinus," stated Dr. Ahmad.
Meanwhile, one of the residents in Pendrikan Kidul, Deddy Sutyono, admitted that he was happy with the Posbindu activities held by Udinus. He was very helpful because he was able to check himself more easily.
"For now, I can seek information about the condition of my body, plus I don't have to go far from my house. The service is also good and friendly," Said Deddy when Interviewed. (Udinus Public Relation/Alex. Photo: PR Udinus)