Universitas Dian Nuswantoro (Udinus) actively distributed hundreds of assistance to flood victims in Demak and Kudus Regencies. The donation was received directly by the Coordinator of the Satbrimob of the Central Java Regional Police Unit, Iptu Suwarto at the Wonoketingal Gas Station on Jalan Raya Demak Kudus, Karanganyar, Demak Regency on Friday, (02/16/2024).
Most of the donations are goods with more than 5,000 items, consisting of easily processed food and disposable clothing. These goods are submitted directly to the relevant authorities and will later be distributed to posts in the affected areas in Demak and Kudus districts.
Head of the General Bureau of Udinus, Sarju, SKom., MM., who went directly to the affected location in Karanganyar, Demak Regency, explained that the assistance was a form of Udinus' concern for flood disasters in Demak and Kudus Regencies. The given donations are certainly set to meet the requirements of the flood victims. He reported that the flood disaster had occurred for a week and it didn't seem to recede very soon.
"The Udinus team consisting of several employees, lecturers, and students has been deployed and moved quickly to directly distribute assistance. We hope this disaster ends soon and the affected people can move normally again," Said Sarju.
Previously, it was reported that two regencies in Central Java experienced flash flooding caused by the embankment of the Wulan River on the border of Demak and Kudus Regencies, impacting thousands of residents because their homes are submerged.
The flash floods that hit the two regencies have been going on for almost a week, resulting in 71 thousand people displaced. This figure is recorded as one of the disaster events with the highest number of refugees at the beginning of 2024. The total number of those affected by flooding in Demak Regency reached 18,700 families or 71,000 people spread across 35 villages and seven sub-districts. While 11,400 people were displaced in 10 places in Demak and five places in Kudus.
Much Help is Needed
Interviewed at the post located at the Wonoketingal Karanganyar gas station, Demak Regency, the Coordinator of the Satbrimob public kitchen post of the Central Java Regional Police, Iptu Suwarto said that donations from the community for flood disaster victims in Demak Regency was still urgently needed by them. Currently, the residents alternate to evacuate themselves to the post located at the Wonoketingal gas station on the Demak-S Kudus highway. Suwarto expressed his gratitude for the assistance given by Udinus
"Thank you to Udinus for the donations. We will distribute them to the victims as soon as possible. This type of assistance is very much needed, including easily processed food and a variety of decent clothes," said Iptu Suwarto.

PERAN MAHASISWA: Secara simbolis salah satu mahasiswa dari UKM Aldakanawaseta Udinus saat memberikan bantuan kepada koordinator posko dapur umum Satbrimob Polda Jateng di Demak-Kudus
Meanwhile, one of the residents at Wonorejo, Karanganyar, Siti Puriah said that she and her family were still displaced because her house was still flooded. At present, the flooding in her residence is still more than 1.5 meters high. The assistance provided such as donations from Udinus was able to alleviate the difficulties felt by flood victims.
“Until now, the flooding in my residence is still more than 1.5 meters high or as high as an adult. It has begun to recede but in a really slow progress. Several helps have come to assist," she concluded. (Udinus Public Relation/Alex. Photo: PR Udinus)