The holy month of Ramadan is a month of goodness that all Muslims are waiting for. For one whole month, Universitas Dian Nuswantoro showed kindness by giving out food upon iftar known as takjil for all of its academic community.
The moment of sharing takjil is also very much awaited by students who practice fasting. Interviewed after getting takjil, Dianna Yanuaresta, one of the students of the Udinus Information System Program, admitted that she felt helped by the free meal giveaway.
The moment of takjil giveaway is also very much awaited by students who practice fasting. Interviewed after getting takjil, Dianna Yanuaresta, one of the students of the Udinus Information System Program, admitted that she felt helped by the free meal giveaway.
"This is very helpful, especially for a student who lives in a boarding house like me who has not had the time to buy food for iftar. The menu is also varied and the taste is also good," said the student from Tegal.
"In my opinion, the food provided by Udinus is enough for students who are mainly living in a boarding house. I often queue with my classmates, the waiting process is not too long and it is always neat and exciting," she added.
In the Holy Month of Ramadan 1445 Hijri in 2024, Udinus gave out 1,000 takjil every day. The food is provided at two mosques within the Udinus campus. Namely Baitul Ilmi and Baitul Muttaqin. The activity was initiated and coordinated by the Udinus Muslim Activity Center (PAM).
"We routinely provide this takjil every year to help the academic community in getting food iftar," said Chairman of PAM Udinus, Edy Mulyanto, S.Si., M.Kom. (Udinus Public Relation/Haris. Photo: PR Udinus)