As the holy month approaches, Universitas Dian Nuswantoro (Udinus) gives five tons of rice to locals of Semarang. These five tons of rice were divided into 1000 bags containing 5kg of rice each.

This rice giveaway to locals around the campus has always been a tradition carried out by Udinus in the holy month of Ramadan. In addition to locals around campus, these bags of rice would also be given to residents of other regions in Semarang including, Durian Street, Papandayan, Srondol, and Ngaliyan.

Sarju, S.Kom., M.M., the Coordinator of Udinus Care Movement and the Head of the General Bureau at Udinus, said that this rice giveaway also served as a form of community service listed in the Tri Dharma Philosophy, routinely conducted in the holy month Ramadan.

“Not only do we contribute to the education sector, we are also committed to resolving social issues surrounding Semarang. In Pendrikan Kidul alone, we managed to give 300 bags of rice to the locals,” he uttered.

Furthermore, he also hoped for this noble activity to benefit the locals and help them in some way. Hopefully, a mutual symbiosis can be formed between the campus and locals through this rice giveaway.

“The campus holds a high regard toward the locals as they have been accepting the presence of our campus,” he hoped.

Ida Wijaya, a local, hoped for the Udinus Care Movement to always be carried out, as this movement could essentially aid the locals in fulfilling their basic needs, such as groceries. “Hopefully, Udiuns will become more and more dedicated to its service to the local community,” Ida revealed.

The giveaway took place on the first floor of the E building, with the involvement of several students.

Rochman Hidayat, S.E., the Secretary of Pendrikan Kidul Administrative Center, gave a positive response to this Corporate social responsibility (CSR). According to him, this form of aid could be very helpful to the local community of Pendrikan Kidul.

“This is a very helpful form of assistance to the locals. Moreover, the rice commodity has currently seen high demand on the market. Thus, this rice giveaway is hosted at the perfect moment, and the locals can exploit this opportunity,” he concluded. (Humas Udinus/Alex. Foto: Humas Udinus)