Universitas Dian Nuswantoro, (Udinus) is a campus focused on Information Technology (IT), which is committed to digitalizing systems in various degrees. Recently, Udinus introduced the concept of Information Systems of Counselling and Direction (Sibiling) to numerous counseling teachers within Semarang as a way to simplify data storage.

Sibiling is a product of collaboration between the Admission Bureau and the Information and Data Unit at Udinus. Not long before, thirteen counseling teachers conducted a simulation in the multipurpose room on the first floor of the D building on Thursday, April 25th, 2024.

Andi Hallang Lewa, S.S., M.M., the Head of the Admission and Information Bureau at Udinus, stated that those counseling teachers were involved during the development processes of Sibiling. One of which was by conducting numerous simulations with several counseling teachers from Semarang.

“We have conducted this simulation for several occasions, so that our app, Sibiling, can become optimal upon release. Thus far, these counseling teachers have been showing their utmost enthusiasm through their feedback for this app,” he explained.

Sibiling as a Free App

Furthermore, Muhammad Syaifur Rohman, M.Cs., the Developer of Sibiling and a member of the Information and Data Unit at Udinus, explained that the app had several features, including messaging, consultation, and direction. Furthermore, the app is also available for free, on the condition that the user must contact Udinus to register their accounts.

“The advantage of our system is that the messages are automatically saved in the database, allowing every data created by counseling teachers to be accessed at any time without having the physical copies,” he uttered.

Sibiling is going to be released at May 6th, 2024. Moreover, the system has also undergone the development process for two years.

During his interview, Ondy Ariya Pambudi, S.Pd., one of the counseling teachers and data operators from the Public Islamic High School 2 (MAN 2) of Semarang, claimed that Sibiling made everything easier for him, particularly in making letters for students. The features offered by Sibiling were very necessary for schools.

“The app is also easy to use, with various features being directly shown in the main menu. Hopefully, this system can see its official release date soon and simplify our jobs,” he hoped. (Humas Udinus/Haris. Foto: Humas Udinus)