Student Study Service Conducted by Activists at Udinus Focuses on Digitalizing Services in Nine Different Villages in Getasan Sub-district

Student Study Service Conducted by Activists at Udinus Focuses on Digitalizing Services in Nine Different Villages in Getasan Sub-district

Activists at Universitas Dian Nuswantoro (Udinus) distribute their innovations to the general public through a community service program known as the Student Study Service (KKN). The program was participated by 148 students scattered to nine different villages in Getasan Sub-district, Semarang Regency.

The Student Study Service (KKN) will last for three days from Thursday, April 18th, 2024. Despite being a short program, the community service will focus on counseling innovations created by students. Those innovations encompassed app development, SME coaching, Counselling concerning digitalization socialization, and a training program on how to properly manage bazaars. All of this was directly stated by Dr. Kusni Ingsih, M.M., the Vice Chancellor III of Student Affairs, during her opening speech at the hall in the Getasan Sub-district.

Furthermore, Dr. Kusni explained that the Student Study Service (KKN) had been a routine activity conducted by Udinus. The Student Study Service (KKN), initiated by the Student Executives at Udinus, is particularly dedicated to activists at Udinus. This program holds the purpose of sharing knowledge with the locals of these nine villages.

“Activism is not only to work for ourselves but we also need to be committed to providing our knowledge to the general public. In addition, our activists will also learn soft skills by teaching the locals in this program,” she shared.

“This year, the program only scopes nine villages, and hopefully, the Student Study Service (KKN) can be conducted routinely for years to come, as the government also looks forward to this community service program from our campus,” she uttered.

Real-world Learning

Muhammad Khoirul Anam, the President of the Student Executives at Udinus, added that Student Study Service served as a crucial activity. This is because the activists will learn much from real-world problems surrounding the general public.

“We are glad for the facilities and support provided by the campus and the student affairs team, as well as the Getasan sub-district authorities. Despite only lasting for three days, we will conduct this program to our fullest capacity. Just because the time is limited does not mean the impact is also limited,” he added.

Meanwhile, the Subdistrict Head of Getasan, Slamet Widodo, also looked forward to the Student Study Service being conducted. According to him, the locals were in desperate need of socialization concerning the digitalization of public service. Thus, the locals can be more technologically aware while at the same time giving the best possible service.

“Udinus is a campus known for its quality in the field of Information Technology. For this reason, we believe that the assistance given by the campus will heavily impact the locals. Hopefully, this collaboration can go well and benefit both parties,” he hoped. (Humas Udinus/Haris. Foto: Humas Udinus)