Visiting the animation department of Udinus, dozens of high school students were amazed by ‘Si Warik’

Visiting the animation department of Udinus, dozens of high school students were amazed by ‘Si Warik’

High School students were amazed by the applied bachelor of animation program at Universitas Dian Nuswantoro (Udinus) as they learned the making process of ‘Si Warik’ the movie. The event started with a short movie screening of the ‘Si Warik’ animation called Ladang Terakhir (The Last Field). screening film short movie animasi Si Warik berjudul ‘Ladang Terakhir’.

The 15-minute film was able to amaze all students from SMK 11 Semarang and SMK Muhammadiyah 1 Semarang. The 80 students who attended were amazed by the animation that was entirely done by UDINUS lecturers, alumni, and students. After watching the movie, all vocational school students paid a visit to the Animation studio located in Building H on the 4th floor.

Head of the Udinus Animation Applied Bachelor Program, Dr. Khafiizh Hastuti, M.Kom., welcomed the arrival of High school or vocational students in Semarang. Khafiizh said, there are currently several students from the vocational school who are doing internships in animation studios. They even contributed to the making process of ‘Si Warik‘. Udinus Animation Program also took advantage of this event to improve students' abilities and understanding of the world of animation.

“Our activities are packaged under the name ‘Goes to Campus', to introduce the world of animation to students since they were in vocational school. We hope that students can be motivated to continue to explore the world of animation. These students also did a game tester ‘Si Warik Adventure' which is our latest work," he explained.

‘Si Warik’ An animated film by Udinus that inserts various lessons in it, has three main characters, namely Dian, Warik, and Endog. In the film, Dian is portrayed as a blue-haired girl, dressed in blue clothes and glasses. Dian's name is taken from the name of Universitas Dian Nuswantoro where the animation was produced.

Meanwhile, Warik is depicted as a boy wearing a Warak Ngendok mask and dressed in all red. As for Endog, he is depicted as an all-knowing flying egg-shaped robot.

Appreciation toward the Animation

In the interview, one of the animation teachers of SMK Negeri 11 Semarang, Novita Handayani, S.Pd., admitted that she was stunned and appreciated the animation work from Udinus entitled ‘Si Warik‘. According to her, the animation has extraordinary details. She also hopes that the animation ‘Si Warik’ will continue to be developed and have many episodes.

“Kami tadi bersama siswa sudah melakukan screening The film is good and great because it combines 2D and 3D in one animated film. In addition, the story presented is also meant to educate the audience," said Novita after watching together the film ‘Si Warik‘. (Udinus Public Relation/Alex. Photo: PR Udinus)