Successfully publishing articles in international journals is certainly a pride for students. Likewise felt by a student of the Faculty of Humanity (FIB) of Universitas Dian Nuswantoro (Udinus), Petter Hans Heavenly.

His article entitled ‘The Journalist's Affect on Natural Disaster of CNN Online News: Appraisal Perspective’ was published in the journal International Virtual Conference on Language and Literature Proceedings (IVICOLL) 2023 Vol.3 recently. The article raises the topic of research on Applied Linguistics.

"This study aims to determine the objectivity of a natural disaster news writer who is limited from the use of words that contain elements of feelings or emotions," explained Petter.

Petter revealed that through the research, he wanted to contribute to providing novelty in the field of science, especially Linguistics.

In his research, Petter who is also the Governor of the Student Executive Board (BEM) of the Faculty of Humanity (FIB) also collaborated with several English lecturers who studied linguistics

In the process of compiling it, he mentioned that there were stages that were carried out. Starting from determining the theme, formulating problems, and data collection process.

"After determining the theme and formulation of the problem, the next thing to do is to make a research method and determine Grand Theory as the basis. Then, the next step is to review previous existing research to develop from the weaknesses in the previous research. Afterward, we went into the process of collecting and analyzing the data, which is followed by compiling the results of the study," he explained.

During the research process until the publication of the journal article, the student who was born in 2003 claimed to always consult with his supervisor.

Petter who is originally from Semarang, said that 2 research articles of his had recently been published. In addition to the aforementioned, one is a collaboration with his senior under the title The Journalist's Objectivity on Barack Obama's India Muslims Rights’.

“In both articles, my supervisor is Dr. Setyo Prasiyanto Cahyono, S.S., M.Pd. We were discussing the preparation for the Seminar Conference, such as looking for conference opportunities and publications that I made. In addition, it also prepares materials for presentation, and makes the necessary revisions," he continued.

In addition to the two articles, there are still two other articles compiled by this outstanding student from Universitas Dian Nuswantoro. The two articles entitled ‘Hedging in Emma Watson's Speech about Gender Equality’ with his other supervisor Dr. Sri Mulatsih, Dra. M.Pd., and ‘We are Start Go to Bali at 7.30 a.m: Error Analysis on Students Recount Writing’ with supervisor Nina Setyaningsih, S.S., M.Hum.

During his studies at Udinus, students who are active on the campus claimed to have found many new experiences and knowledge. Both from the learning process with lecturers, as well as through the process of socialization with friends.

“I am very grateful to be able to study at Udinus because there are many new experiences and knowledge on this campus. Udinus provides a space for students to develop through lectures, organizations, student unit activity, a friendly environment, and others," said Petter.

Petter who is also an Instagram user @petthans_ encourages his fellow students to participate actively in lecture activities and make the best use of the opportunities available.

"Let's be active on campus to optimize all competencies and explore new talents," Petter concluded. (PR Udinus/Ika. Photo: Doc. Doc.)