Committed to providing a global-tier education quality, the Industrial Engineering Department at Universitas Dian Nuswantoro (Udinus) telah mendapat status ‘Accredited’. Akreditasi bertaraf internasional itu dikeluarkan oleh Accreditation Board for Engineering Education (IABEE).</span>
This remarkable achievement was earned in the discipline ‘Industrial and Similarly-named Engineering Programs.’ Furthermore, this accreditation is also listed in the accreditation certificate No. 000138.A published on March 31st, 2024 in Jakarta. The accreditation was signed by the Head Executive Committee of the IABEE, Prof. Dr, Ir. Muhammad Romli, M.Sc.St, IPU.
During his interview, Ir. Heru Agus Santoso, Ph.D., the Dean of the Engineering Faculty, stated that the accreditation served as a form of commitment that a faculty must strive to be internationally acclaimed. Through this accreditation from the IABEE, the Industrial Engineering Department will produce more graduates capable of surpassing the international standard and qualification. To do this, the department will improve its education quality for students to be professionals.
“Our learning system is a learning process referring to the learning outcome. This system aims to conduct sustainable improvement,” he revealed.
Furthermore, the graduates of the Industrial Engineering Department will get various benefits, including an internationally recognized learning system. This will allow them to be more trusted by the industry.
The IABEE is among the few accreditation agencies acclaimed by the Indonesian Government as stated in the decree issued by the Ministry of Education no. 83/P/2020. Currently, the IABEE has become a member of the Washington Accord (WA) with the status of ‘Provisional Signatory.’ The IABEE itself is also a part of the Indonesian Engineer Association (PII), which aims to develop higher education management, particularly in the field of engineering and computing.
On a separate occasion, Prof. Dr. Ir. Edi Noersasongko, M.Kom., the Chancellor of Udinus, congratulated the Industrial Engineering Department for its phenomenal accomplishment. He further hoped for this remarkable attainment to inspire other departments within the Engineering Faculty at Udinus to improve their quality up to the international level.
“Through this accreditation, we are going to shape our students to be competent graduates competing both on national and international levels,” he concluded. (Humas Udinus/Haris. Ilustrasi: Humas Udinus)