The Student Bureau and the Student Association at Universitas Dian Nuswantoro (Udinus) collaborated and hosted a training program for high school students. The program, entitled ‘FIK Fair 2024: Goes to Campus,’ was initiated by the Computer Science Faculty at Udinus on Monday, May 20th, 2024 in the auditorium located on the second floor of the D building at Udinus.

Employing the theme of ‘Exploring the Future of Digital Innovation,’ the program involved three different departments within the Computer Science Faculty. Those departments were the Informatics Department, the Information Systems Department, and the Animation Department. Roughly 360 students from various high schools in Semarang participated in the program.

On that occasion, Dr. Drs. Abdul Syukur, (the Dean of the Computer Science Faculty) opened the whole event by sounding a musical instrument known as ‘gong.’ During his opening speech, the dean encouraged all participants to utilize this program to their favor. This is because this program aimed to inform these students about studying on college campuses.

“By hosting the 2024 FIK Fair, we are committed to giving students ideas of what it feels like to learn at a university. Additionally, we also aim for these high school students to correctly choose their majors for their future studies so that they can only focus on the expertise they want to master,” he hoped.

The opening speech was also witnessed by Dr. Ahmad Zainul Fanani, Ssi., M.Kom., (the Vice Dean I of Academic Affairs at the Computer Science Faculty). Furthermore, several teachers representing various high schools were present.

Campus Atmosphere

The Head Organizer and a Student Affair Team Member from the Computer Science Faculty, Galuh Wilujeng Saraswati, M.Cs., explained the topic in detail. The topic mainly encompassed the Introduction to UI/UX, Mobile App design, and Designing UI Using Figma. At the program, students were also introduced to the concept of fundamental Websites and how to design them using Laravel and React JS programs.

“The learning materials were directly presented by faculty members and student organizations within the Computer Science Faculty. Moreover, the whole audience gathered in the computer lab on the second floor of the D building to participate in the program. Thus, they could experience the campus atmosphere in a more realistic way,” he uttered.

In addition, students were also introduced to the Animation lab in the H building. On top of that, they taught the participants several tips and tricks on how to make animated characters and the software required to make them. The program concluded with a discussion concerning film and cinematography. (Humas Udinus/Haris. Foto: Humas Udinus)