Investing at a young age can maximize opportunities to prepare for a bright future. That is what the Capital Market Study Group (CMSG) or Kelompok Studi Pasar Modal of Universitas Dian Nuswantoro (Udinus) did through the Goes to School event at Karangturi High School.

The theme ‘Young Investor: A First Step for Golden Future’ invites the young generation to take the first step towards long-term financial success. On that occasion, the event was opened by the Principal of Karangturi Highschool, Dr. Susena, M.Pd., along with the Dean of the Faculty of Economics (FEB) Udinus, Dr. Retno Indah Hernawati, SE, M.Sc. The activity was attended by 674 students and was located in the Hall on Monday (29/4/2024) last week.

The Managing Chairman of CMSG Udinus, Prasada Agra Swastyayana, stated that investments can generate significant profits. This advantage will affect more when done early on. Because there will be growth and accumulation of wealth over time.

The "Udinus Goes to School" event aims to invite the young generation to start learning about various investment instruments. Cultivating financial management as a habit. This event also encourages students to build a strong financial foundation for capital in the future," explained Prasada.

Students are also taught to utilize the concept of compounding, which is income from the previous investment that is reinvested as additional income. As well as the tutorial step by steps to invest starting from the introduction, strategy, and even the long-term steps that must be taken. The material was delivered by Yohanes Imanuel Kurniawan, the Chairman of CMSG Udinus.

Other material related to the introduction of the IDX Mobile application was also presented by the Senior Officer of the Indonesian Stock Exchange of the Central Java 1 representative office, Akhmad Nuryanto. He explained the features and benefits of an official application to invest in the Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX).

"Some of the features are certainly very effective for young people to learn. Such as accessing capital market information that can be opened at any time, safer transactions, and there is still a lot of education about other investments in the application," Akhmad concluded. (Udinus Public Relation/Haris. Photo: Doc. CMSG Udinus)