Commemorating The National Education Day known as Hardiknas, Universitas Dian Nuswantoro (Udinus) made its contribution in the field of Information Technology (IT) by launching the Guidance and Counseling Information System (Sibiling) application. The application has been officially launched and introduced to counseling teachers in Semarang City to facilitate the process of consultation and guidance for students.

Sibling is a system that was born from the collaboration of the Admission and Promotion Bureau with the Udinus Information Data Unit. The application was launched directly by the Udinus Chancellor, Prof. Dr. Ir. Edi Noersasongko, M.Kom was witnessed by the academic community of Udinus along with the Head of Center for Development of Information and Communication Technology as well as all counseling teachers in Semarang City.

The chancellor of Udinus, Prof. Dr. Ir. Edi Noersasongko, M.Kom, said the Sibiling Application was created to assist teachers in Central Java and Indonesia to carry out their daily work. In the process, counseling teachers are involved directly during the development process. One of them is by simulating several times with representatives of teachers in Semarang City.

“We have conducted this simulation periodically. With the hope that Sibiling would generate the optimal result by the time of its release. So far, the responses from counseling teachers were very supportive, many inputs finally complemented the features of Sibiling," explained the chancellor.

Meanwhile, the Chairperson of the Central Java High School Guidance and Counseling Teacher Consultation, Nurcahyo Adi Prasetyo, S.Pd, expressed his gratitude to Udinus for launching the Sibiling application. The application has been tested and is able to run smoothly. According to him, the Sibiling app is complemented with user-friendly features that are needed.

"This application is certainly very helpful for us teachers, the content represents many complete data. Hopefully, this application can be used not only in Central Java but also across the entire nation of Indonesia," he explained.

Besides the launching of the Sibiling application, Udinus also held a National Education Day event (Hardiknas) which competed in three categories including the Twibbon competition, marching, and Vlog contest which were available for high school and public. The winners of the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place received two prizes, one education scholarship and coaching money.

Sibiling as a Free App

Furthermore, one of the Sibiling Developers, Muhammad Syaifur Rohman, M.C., explained that Sibiling has the features of making correspondence, consultation, and guidance. The system can also be used for free by all counseling teachers in Indonesia. The only requirement is to contact Udinus to register a Sibling account.

“The advantage of our system is that the messages are automatically saved in the database, allowing every data created by counseling teachers to be accessed at any time without having the physical copies,” he uttered.

Syaifur said that the features embedded in the Sibiling application were the result of discussions with counseling teachers. He also hopes that Sibiling can be a solution for counseling teachers in Indonesia in solving problems in the education field, particularly related to counseling.

"We will continue to improve this application with the help of counseling teachers in Indonesia. Teachers who want to access the app can visit," said Syaifur. (Udinus Public Relation/Alex. Photo: Private Doc)