The Animation Department at Universitas Dian Nuswantoro (Udinus) partnered with Yamaha. Through this collaboration, they held the Udinus Animation Competition employing the theme of “Moving Forw (Art) with Yamaha Fazzio.” The competition is open to high school students, college students, and the general public. Currently, the competition has hosted an awarding ceremony on Monday, June 24th, 2024.

Perlombaan tercatat diikuti oleh 226 peserta dari berbagai wilayah di seluruh Indonesia. Terdapat dua kategori yang diperlombakan yakni Lomba Animasi, dan Poster Ilustrasi. Masing-masing kategorinya diikuti oleh pelajar SMA/SMK dan sederajat serta mahasiswa dan masyarakat umum. Sesuai dengan tema nya, karya dari setiap peserta wajib berkaitan dengan produk Fazzio.

The awarding ceremony opened with a speech delivered by Dr. Ahmad Zainul Fanani, Ssi., M.Kom., the Vice Dean I of the Computer Science Faculty at Udinus. On that occasion, he stated that this contest served as a routine event held by the Animation Bureau, Junimasi. It aimed to provide young animators a platform for their works to be appreciated.

“In addition to appreciation, we also give these animators a platform to get recognition from various partners of ours. The Animation Department at Udinus has also been recently accredited as Excellent, this certainly is a positive portfolio for us,” he revealed.

Furthermore, Dr. Khafiizh Hastuti, S.Kom., M.Kom.,—the Head of the Animation Department at Udinus—hoped for Junimasi to serve as a barometer to develop the animation sector in Indonesia, allowing it to be both nationally and internationally recognized.

“The human resources in the Indonesian animation industry also see a major development, and we host this contest as a way to contribute to this development. Furthermore, we are also committed to producing competent animators by showing that we are able to get both national and international recognition,” Khafiizh uttered.

Discovering New Talents

This partnership is expected to discover talented animators. This will eventually lead the Indonesian animation industry to compete on a global level.

On a separate occasion, M. Nindyarto, a Promoting Agent of Yamaha DDS of Central Java, explained that this event was part of a bigger event entitled Yamaha to University (YTU). The event encompasses a poster contest, 2D animation contest, and 3D animation contest, as well as workshops with various Indonesian animators. The event was concluded with an awarding ceremony given to high school students and other participants.

“Udinus is among the first universities we partnered with to host this YTU event. In the future, we hope to make this event bigger at the national level with more interesting prizes. By doing this, we will eventually attract talented animators from universities, high schools, and even anywhere,” he hoped.

The winners will be rewarded with a contract, with the champion being contracted for a year. They will collaborate with Yamaha to work on a project.