An Innovative App called ‘The Cervix’ by Udinus' Biomedical Engineering Students Can Early Detect Cancer

An Innovative App called ‘The Cervix’ by Udinus' Biomedical Engineering Students Can Early Detect Cancer

According to the data from the World Health Association (WHO), Cervix cancer is ranked at the 4th place with the highest number of victims. It is globally recorded that around 490 thousand women are affected by this disease. In Indonesia, Cervix cancer is ranked 2nd based on the Global Cancer Observatory (GCO). The data showed that this cancer had reached 36 thousand cases and continues to increase every year. 

Cervix cancer that attacks the lower part of the uterus that is connected to the vagina is mostly caused by HPV infection. Early detection is very important. In general, cancer patients including both adolescents and adults, will show changes in their cervix within 10 to 15 years.

This is the reason behind the development of this app by the students of Universitas Dian Nuswantoro (Udinus). The system called ‘The Cervix’ was developed by 4 female students of the Undergraduate of Biomedical Engineering Program at Udinus who were members of the Student Creativity Program-Karsa Cipta (PKM-KC).

“Pengembangan aplikasi memanfaatkan teknologi komputer berbasis machine learning untuk deteksi dini. Aplikasi dapat diakses oleh dokter kanker dalam media website maupun mobile,” terang Ketua Tim, Raishya Damayanti.

Selain ketua tim, Si Serviks juga dirancang oleh tiga mahasiswi Teknik Biomedis Udinus lainnya. Antara lain Osha Prameswara Sakti, Alzha Rizqie Kinanta, dan Marsya Ardini.

Furthermore, Raishya explained that during the detection process, doctors need initial screening colposcopy, and biopsy for tissue sampling. 'The Cervix' will act as a tool in processing the two data through the system.

"Later on, this app will integrate with the colposcopy tool as a camera specifically designed to observe the inside of the cervix. The camera will be connected to the application to detect if there are abnormal cells in the patient's cervix," she added. 

During the trial process, not only that they use tissue samples, but they also used Phantom Anatomy Trainer. This device is specially shaped to resemble the cervix to perform simulations of direct early detection.

Advisor, Wisnu Adi Prasetyanto, M.Eng., stated that the development of 'the cervix' has been funded for 7.7 million rupiahs. So far the development has reached 88%. The next step is copyright which will be filed, leading this app to enter the next stage.  

"Next, the Cervix will proceed to the Program Assessment Progress. It is hoped that this application can contribute to help doctors in predicting the potential occurrence of cervical cancer that is quite high in Indonesia," Wisnu concluded. (Udinus Public Relation/Haris. Photo: PR Udinus)