The Career Center holds a crucial role relating to student and alumni management within a university, especially with the ever-changing student dynamics. In response to this, the Solo Raya University Career Center Forim visited Universitas Dian Nuswantoro (Udinus) to carry out a comparative study.
Pada kesempatan tersebut, Udinus menerima rombongan di di meeting room gedung H lantai 1 Udinus Semarang pada Sabtu (24/08/2024) kemarin. Mereka disambut oleh Wakil Rektor III Bidang Kemahasiswaan, Prof. Dr. Kusni Ingsih, M.M., bersama Kepala Career Center, Dr. Sendi Novianto, S.Kom., M.T.
During her speech, Dr. Kusni hoped for the visitation to improve the tracer studies of both institutions. In addition, it was also an opportunity for both parties to strengthen their bonds by collaborating in certain sectors.
“It is a pleasure for us to welcome our partners from the Solo Raya University Career Center Forum. Hopefully, with our campus involvement, we can learn together. It is indeed every university’s aim to achieve a good tracer study,” she revealed.
The Importance of Tracer Study
Dr. Sendi Novianto, S.Kom., M.T., (the Head of the Udinus Career Center) emphasized the importance of a tracer study. A tracer study itself is a device or method used by universities to trace their alumni upon their graduation.
With a tracer study, universities are able to get feedback from alumni, which can serve as a way to evaluate the curriculum and the education quality. “Through the tracer study, we could share our student and alumni management to provide an idea of the accomplishments attained by our career center,” he uttered.
Ir. Saprudin Handani, the Head of the Solo Raya University Career Center Forum, stated that Udinus was a perfect institution to visit, as the campus held one of the highest tracer studies in Central Java. Previously, the forum had conducted several surveys, with the result being that Udinus holds the highest tracer study in Central Java.
“According to our survey results, out of 38 campuses included in this forum, Udinus was the most agreeable candidate to visit within the forum. Our surveys also suggest that Udinus possesses the highest tracer study,” she claimed.
He hoped the forum could learn about career center management from Udinus. Career centers from various universities generally face the same problems. For that reason, the visitation is expected to teach the forum how to use the most fitting strategy to be implemented in universities.
“We hope we could open the ‘gates’ of opportunities to learn about the tracer study at Udinus. Open these gates wide to further motivate us to synergize, collaborate, and innovate. Hopefully, the harmonious relationship between Udinus and the Solo Raya University Career Center can last indefinitely,” he concluded. (Humas Udinus/Ika. Foto: Dok. Udinus Career Center)