The Economics and Business Faculty at Universitas Dian Nuswantoro (Udinus) at Universitas Dian Nuswantoro (Udinus) echoed its glory in an international event, namely, the 3rd International Conference on Accounting and Finance (InCAF). At the event, the Postgraduate Accounting Department, a part of the Economics and Business Faculty at Udinus, managed to garner the Best Paper and Presenter Awards.
The conference employed the theme of ‘Public Governance and Sustainability: Collaborative Effort to Achieve Sustainable Development Goals.’ It was hosted by a private university in Yogyakarta on Friday, November 11th, 2024.
The Best Paper Award was garnered by Riyan Hidayatullah Mudzakkir, a Postgraduate Accounting student at Udinus. At the conference, Riyan presented his paper about Accounting Information Systems entitled ‘Sustainability and Performance of Accounting Information Systems: Evidence from Service Organizations.’
Enny Susilowati Mardjono, S.E., M.Si., Akt., Ph.D., CA., CFMA., ASEAN CPA, the Head of the Postgraduate Accounting Department at Udinus and Riyan’s paper advisor, explained that the paper was a major innovation in the Accounting Information Systems field. This is because only a few students wrote papers concerning this particular topic, which can be proven by the lack of papers discussing this topic at the conference.
“What I mean by breakthrough is that Riyan’s paper combines the field of Accounting Information Systems with AI and sustainability. This accomplishment shows that despite being a relatively new department, the Postgraduate Accounting Department can push its students to be competent graduates,” she informed.

Furthermore, Enny explained that the assessment for the papers was done by the judges strictly, with a number of criteria. These criteria include theory contributions, methodologies, and novelty of the research.
“Coincidentally, I was also chosen as among the judges, and the assessment was conducted objectively without knowing the background of the researchers. The qualified papers would later be assessed by three main judges for each category. These judges were tasked to ensure that only the best paper deserves to receive an award,” Enny added.
The Best Paper and The Best Presenter
There were five categories of paper at the conference, including Accounting Information Systems, Sharia Accounting, Environmental Accounting, Management Accounting, and Taxation Accounting. In addition to the paper contest, there were also three professors acting as speakers at the conference.

Meanwhile, Riyan, a student in the 2023 class, explained that his research focused on the development of Accounting Information Systems in Governmental Banking. The paper reviews the problems surrounding the efficiency of the financial systems, including finance reports and the customers’ data integration in various Regional Banks (BPD).
“Through these problems, I was intrigued to explore and look for the solutions, then I poured everything I found into this paper. Through these findings, hopefully, my paper will be able to sort of assistance to the Regional Banks in facing problems emerging in this digital era,” he hoped.
In addition to the Best Paper Award, Fathimah, another student from the Postgraduate Accounting Department at Udinus, also achieved the Best Presenter Award. She stated that the assessment of the presentation scoped several criteria, including the material design and how the materials are presented in English.
“During the presentation, I was given five minutes to explain the materials and answer several questions from the reviewers. Coincidentally, the presentation was conducted online, and it wasn’t a problem at all,” she admitted.

Sebagai informasi, 3rd InCAF 2024 diselenggarakan secara hybrid sehingga peserta mengikuti kegiatan secara daring maupun luring. Udinus yang juga ditunjuk sebagai co-host mengikuti seluruh rangkaian acara secara daring atau online melalui fasilitas kampus. (Humas Udinus/Haris. Foto: Humas Udinus)