Universitas Dian Nuswantoro (Udinus) collaborated with BPD Bank Jateng in an event entitled Gayung Bersambut. It was an artistic performance combining dances and songs, and it was broadcast live at TVRI Studio on Monday, February 24, 2025.

On that occasion, Udinus showcased a performance art presented by three members of the E-Gamelanku Student Activity unit. They gave a graceful performance, with their efforts successfully hypnotizing the audience, presenting a dance named Denok Deblong.

In addition to the dance, they also presented two songs with fused arrangements. Those two songs were entitled Cidro and Sugeng Ndalu, which were sung by two students from the E-Gamelanku unit. Furthermore, a student from the Gita Dian Nuswa Choir Group at Udinus was also present to perform a song entitled Always, with a fused arrangement. 

During his interview, the Head of the Senate and the Founder of Udinus, Prof. Dr. Ir. Edi Noersasongko, M.Kom., stated that the performance combined modern and traditional music, allowing them to preserve traditional Javanese culture.

“We also push students to not only write papers but also make products. These products, for example, were the gamelan robot, with its ability to automatically play music. This allows the gamelan to also serve as background music by combining it with other instruments. This innovation is also conjoined with Artificial Intelligence. Despite that, we still involved gamelan experts in manufacturing this innovation,” he revealed. 

Additionally, Prof. Edi also hoped for the collaboration to enhance the bonds between the education sector and the industry. This would allow students to unleash their creativity and show their passion for art. 

“I hereby express my gratitude to Bank Jateng for supporting, nurturing, and guiding us from the beginning. Even back then, when Udinus was only a computer course, the campus was already supported by Bank Jateng,” he concluded. 

In detail, there were three Public Health students who were also members of the E-Gamelanku Unit at Udinus, presenting the Denok Deblong dance. Those students were Berliana Setyani, Shofia Hanifa Rahmawati, and Bastynian Kayla Arvenia. 

Meanwhile, two songs entitled Cidro and Sugeng Ndalu were sung by students named Alfy Rifgifathony—an Informatics student, and Lisa Setyaning Dewi—a Public Health student. On top of that, the song entitled Always,/i> was presented by Farra Dian Septina—a Communication Science student and a member of the Gita Dian Nuswa Choir Group.