Hundreds of students from various departments at Universitas Dian Nuswantoro (Udinus) attended a career preparation webinar entitled Self-Upgrade to Face the Work Industry 2025. The event was an attempt by Udinus to prepare its students before their careers in the industry.

The webinar was held online through the Zoom and YouTube platforms. It was initiated by Udinus Career Center, featuring Gannish Pramettasari—an HR Manager at PT. Dragon Prima Farma, and Ayu Rahmawati Tirti, M.Psi., a clinical psychologist.

Dr. Heribertus Himawan, S.Kom., M.Kom., the Head of Udinus Career Center, emphasized the importance of students’ preparation in facing the dynamicity of the industry. Dr. Heribertus continued that Indonesia was currently in the disruption era, where changes happening so quick.

“Students study at Udinus for four years, but the industry will remain dynamic and always change. For that reason, students must prepare themselves with what they could garner in college,” he uttered.

He hoped for the webinar to allow students to gather insight and tricks to face their upcoming careers in the industry.

“Changes are inevitable, but we must adapt to these changes,” he added.

Meanwhile, Gannish Pramettasari, one of the speakers, revealed that creativity and innovation were among the most important factors a student must have. According to her, these two things need to be honed in college, as they can allow students to be more competitive in workplaces, and they can also allow students to be more independent and hold more entrepreneurial traits.

“Honing creativity and skills are important during your youthful years is very important. You can do this by applying design thinking—a creative mindset in solving problems, a growth mindset —or openness toward new ideas. In addition, mastering AI tools is also a reasonable idea,” Gannish explained.

Encouraging Students to Know Themselves

The webinar entitled Upgrade Diri Menghadapi Dunia Kerja 2025, served as a platform for students to gain insight and learn strategies for facing the industry that is currently becoming more competitive. With various perspectives from the speakers, students are expected to develop their skills and prepare to achieve success in the future.

During her session at the webinar, Ayu Rahmawati Tirti, M.Psi., a psychologist, encouraged students to get to know themselves before taking a step to the industry. She emphasized that understanding oneself would allow one to have more stable control over their future career.

She stated that students need to hold these three aspects, includingemotional intelligence,social intelligence), a growth mindset, andresiliency).

“With these three aspects, students will be more prepared to face the industry,” she uttered. (Humas Udinus/Alex. Foto: Dok. Humas Udinus)