The Student Executives at Universitas Dian Nuswantoro (Udinus) educated youths of Semarang to prevent sexual violence within educational institutions. The education was hosted in the form of a forum entitled ‘Sexual Health Discussion’ (Disco). It took place in the auditorium located on the third floor of the E building at Udinus, on Friday, November 25th, 2022.
The forum was themed ‘Recognize, Prevent, and Report Sexual Violence on Campus.’ It was participated by 226 youths consisting of students from Udinus and various high schools in Semarang.
The forum also featured three different speakers from various government and education institutions, including the Youth Information and Service Center (Pilar), Planned Parenthood Association (PKBI), and Women Empowerment and Children Protection Service (DP3A).
During her presentation, Yubi Sailawati, S.KM., the PPA Head Sector at DP3A of Semarang, encouraged students to recognize and understand the prevention of sexual violence. According to her, students held a crucial role as agents to prevent sexual harassment on campus, particularly by holding a positive event that would prevent students from having negative thoughts.
“In addition to preventing, students should also report every sing sexual harassment case on campus. Thus, a harmonious atmosphere can be embodied, allowing students to study well,” she encouraged.
Following that, Eti Rimawati, S.KM, M.Kes., an instructor at Udinus and the Head of the College Sexual Violence Task Force, also stepped on stage to present her learning materials. On that occasion, Eti was accompanied by Lena Aurumia Songraya, a student and a member of the Sexual Violence Task Force.
On the same occasion, Dr. Kusni Ingsih, M.M., the Vice Chancellor III of Student Affairs, was also present and gave a greeting. Furthermore, she hoped for this forum to be more routinely hosted as a way to give important information concerning sexual harassment to not only college students but also high school ones. This will allow them to understand how to make generation free from sexual harassment.
“Through the Sexual Violence Task Force, we hope for sexual violence to see a drastic decrease. Participants of the forum can also utilize this opportunity to get in touch and prevent all those negative things,” she concluded. (Humas Udinus/Haris. Foto: Dok. BEM KM Udinus)