The Informatics Student Association at Universitas Dian Nuswantoro (Udinus) facilitated high school students to enhance their technological skills by hosting the IT Competition (ITC) from January 18th to 19th, 2023.

This year, the ITC employed the theme ‘Technology Enrich Your Creativity and Build Your Capability.’ It was participated by dozens of students indicating that the immense amino sparked by them. There were two contest categories featured at the IY Competition, namely, web development, and quiz. In the web development category, participants were obliged to develop a website with the theme as the foundation and present it before the judges.

Dwi Prakoso, the head of the committee, explained that there were several stages in the quiz category. It started with the preliminary stage, which took place twice. Following that, the semifinal and final stages would also occur.

“At the preliminary stage, we used the designated website. Whereas the semifinal and final stages were held offline,” he explained.

Furthermore, Dwi also revealed that there were several differences at the 2023 ITC compared to previous years, both in terms of methods and contest categories. This year, the 2023 ITC was hosted in a completely new venue at Udinus, namely, the Workplace located on the sixth floor of the H building. Also, there were differences in the featured contest.

“Last year, we featured both quiz and informatics business as the contest categories. This year, however, we decided to remove the informatics business category and replace it with the Web Development category,” he added.

The 2023 ITC was part of a bigger event, the 2023 Dinus Festival (Dinusfest). After years of pandemic, this festival was finally held offline in 2023.

Dr. Rindra Yusianto, S.Kom., M.T., the Head of the Student Affairs Bureau at Udinus, hoped for the 2023 Dinusfest to give benefits and good impression to all participants. In 2023, the festival also saw a drastic increase in the number of participants to 5124 people.

“Hopefully, this can serve as a turning point for Udinus to organize many more big events offline. We would also like to hope for this festival to enhance their abilities and compete fairly,” he concluded.

As an excellently accredited learning institution, Universitas Dian Nuswantoro will always provide its students and the general public a means to innovate as well as hone their skills, particularly in the field of technology. (Wtdn/Ika. Foto: Dok. HMTI Udinus)