Sekolah Menengah Atas (SMA/High school) Negeri 8 Kediri held a visit at Universitas Dian Nuswantoro (Udinus) Semarang to form a collaboration in the academic sector. Roughly 85 teachers attended the visit at the Faculty of Computer Science within Udinus. 

The visit was welcomed by Dr. Abdul Syukur, the Dean of the Computer Science Faculty in the conference room on the first floor of the H building at Udinus, with Affandy, M.Kom., Ph.d., the Vice Dean, alongside several heads of majors at the Faculty of Computer Science accompanied him.

Dr. Abdul Syukur, M.M., The Dean, informed that Udinus accepted the visit done by SMAN 8 Kediri. He also informed us that by organizing the visit, the teachers would be able to see the campus facility and learn about the various majors offered at Udinus. Moreover, it also opened an opportunity for collaboration between SMAN 8 Kediri and Udinus in multiple sectors.

“Job opportunities have been discussed in the meeting. Hopefully, the explanation given by the heads of majors at the Faculty of Computer Science describes the majors or study programs properly to the teacher which later be given to their students,” he explained.

Additionally, C. Mardji, S.Pd., M.Pd., the principal of SMAN 8 Kediri, wished that this visit marked the beginning of the collaboration with Udinus. He expressed his gratitude toward the Faculty of Computer Science at Udinus for welcoming their visit and giving descriptions of Udinus to them. According to Mardji, Udinus had produced many innovations and creations, one of which was “Rocaku” for the chess sports field.

“To give the teachers a deeper understanding of the Majors or study programs at Udinus, this visit became our agenda this month. We are truly impressed by Udinus’ development,” he concluded.

Notably, Udinus also has a Study Program Outside the Main Campus (PSDKU) located in Kediri and it has been validated since 2020. PSDKU offers several study programs or majors including, Undergraduate Informatics, Undergraduate Information System, Undergraduate Communication Design, and Undergraduate Management Major. (Humas Udinus/Alex. Foto: Humas Udinus)