It is common knowledge that becoming a content creator through makeup arts is not an easy task, it takes a great amount of dedication to do so. However, Audy Nadya Shafa Talitha, a student of the Visual Communication Design Program at Universitas Dian Nuswantoro (Udinus), managed to showcase her talent as a makeup artist and became a content creator.

As an elementary student, she revealed that she received tons of discrimination relating to her physical appearance. However, it did not stop her from trying. As a matter of fact, these discriminations led her to find her talent and pursue it.

“Back then, I was bullied due to my physical appearance, particularly in regard to my dark skin. Upon entering middle school, I braced myself to learn the arts of makeup so that I could show them the true ‘beauty,’” she claimed.

Audy, who was born in 2004, shared that her mother inspired her to pursue the arts of makeup. Then in 2018, she saw a video from a YouTube channel owned by Tasya Farasya, a beauty influencer specialized in makeup. Since then, she began to create content as she learned makeup.

“Initially, I only posted my makeup skills for my portfolio, but apparently, I was not well-received at the time due to my lack of makeup skills and the fact that I was not pretty enough. Ever since, I only focus on makeup art or makeup character,” she explained.

Audy claimed that the field of Visual Communication Design was very supportive of her career development, as it mainly concerned with creativity aspects, including picture composition and color mixture.

“Additionally, I also learned photography and videography, which would be very helpful to apply in my career as a professional content creator,” she added.

Successfully Became a Content Creator

A content creator is generally involved in many kinds of content-creating activities, encompassing writing, videography, and photography. Audy herself mainly involves herself in producing content through photographs of her creative makeup arts, which attracts audiences on various platforms.

Audy Nadya Shafa Talitha Sebagai Content Creator Menunjukkan Kreatifitasnya Saat Lomba Makeup Art
Audy Showcasing Her Creativity During the Makeup Competition

However, her career as a content creator is not all that smooth, as she usually runs into many different problems. Her lack of time, however, has always been her biggest adversary in content creation, as this very thing hinders her the most from realizing her ideas. Moreover, she still must manage many aspects on her own, including brand coordination, makeup, filming, hairdo, drafting, and posting. Thus, time management is crucial for her.

With her persistence, Audy has gained 23.000 followers on her Instagram account, @beauty_byaudy. Additionally, she also garnered 28.000 followers on her TikTok account @audynadya15 . Audy, a local of Kediri, has also won various face art competitions.

“I also tied partnerships with many kinds of brands, encompassing makeup, skincare, haircare, bodycare, and I even became ambassadors of many different brands. In addition, I am also often invited to many events relating to this event,” she concluded.

For the time being, Audy would like to inspire more people and reach out to other brands to tie collaborations. (Humas Udinus/Ika. Foto: Dok. Pribadi)