For Ryhan Putra Samodra, the combination of art and technology as a creation is one ability that is magnificent for him. Ryhan, an undergraduate student in the Visual and Communication Design Pprogram at Universitas Dian Nuswantoro (Udinus) Kediri, found his interest in the field of videography When he realized that videography is a strong medium to convey a message as well as capture the beauty of the world.

“My interest in video and visual arts emerged since middle school. At first, I was very amazed by the visual strength to convey a story and deep emotion,” said Ryhan.

While pursuing videography, the student who is familiarly called 'Ryhan' also actively participates in various competitions, both at the city and national levels. He has won many titles, including 1st place in GCC Batch 4 Tourism Video at the East Java level, 2nd place in UNESA National Creative Video 2023, 1st place in Gen Z Radar Kediri Short Video 2023 at the city level, 1st place in Bank Indonesia Vlog 2023 at the national level, and many more.

“One of my motivations to be actively involved in a variety of competitions is because of the feeling to keep improving my skills. Besides that, I also like to challenge myself to reach higher achievements,” said Ryhan, a student of the 2022 cohort.

In addition, Ryhan also admitted that during the production process of independent film projects, he applied all things that he had learnt from college. This effort is also in line with himself as a student of the Visual and Communication Program as well as a member of the Raganyala unit which runs in the field of visual arts.

"I always try to combine theory and practice to produce high-quality work. Udinus also provides excellent support through facilities, resources, and lecturer support," explained Ryhan.

Aside from being a college student, Ryhan also fills his busy schedule as an instructor of an extracurricular film at SMAN 5 Taruna Brawijaya, East Java. This place is where he studied when he was in high school.

“This activity has allowed me to share my knowledge and experience about video with high school students. In the future, I’m hoping to continue developing my skills and knowledge in videography. I want to be a contributor to the creative industry and inspire people through my visual works," hoped Ryhan.

Ryhan also gave a piece of advice to all Udinus students to keep pursuing a passion. Moreover, utilizing every available chance is also important. The opportunity that we have, can be used to learn and improve ourselves.

“Keep in mind that every challenge is our chance to grow. Be open to new things and do not be hesitant to share your ideas and collaborate with your friends. Cheers to your journey” closed Ryhan. (Udinus Public Relation/Ika. Photo: Personal Doc)