Theater Kaplink Unit from Universitas Dian Nuswantoro (Udinus) once again held a play. The play entitled ‘A Piece of Morning: Pieces of Life’ was hosted for two consecutive days from December 14th to 15th, 2023, and it successfully garnered attention from both theater and art enthusiasts alike.
The play was a product of collaborations tied by various parties involved. The playwright and scriptwriter of A Piece of Morning: Pieces of Life was Nano Suharno, S.Sn. The play was inspired by a reality show about a wealthy couple. Additionally, a work collaboration was also conducted with an artist, Jack Fian, as an illustrator artwork.
Meanwhile, the Theater Kaplink Unit served as the committee or event organizer at the play by providing the venue and equipment needed at the show. The event was hosted on the first floor of the D building, with many participants attending, including film and art enthusiasts.
Muhammad Nanda Pratama, a committee dispatched in the setting division, explained that they also collaborated with Yafyogyakarta and Acc Group Semarang. The local team from Semarang was tasked to publicize posters and information concerning the registration.
“Meanwhile, Yafyogyakarta designed the tour plan, with Semarang being the fifth city in the Underrated Tour,” he explained.
At the play, there was also a discussion about the presented processes and works. Nanda mentioned that the audience showed a sign of enthusiasm for this discussion by engaging in a warm conversation.
“It shows that our event received an amount of enthusiasm from the audience,” he revealed.
Nanda hoped for the show to motivate other students to preserve the art of play. Hence, it could always exist
On a different occasion, Kadek Delia Arisan, a representative from Yafyogyakarta, also hoped for the show to be enjoyed by the whole audience.
“In creating and organizing plays, we believe that a message embarking from our hearts will eventually dock to other hearts as well. A Piece of Morning: Pieces of Life was the product of our dedication, so we hoped for this play to be enjoyed and remembered,” she concluded. (Humas Udinus/Ika. Foto: Dok. UKM Kaplink)