The Doctoral Management Department at Universitas Dian Nuswantoro (Udinus) received a field assessment, which is a requirement for a college department to fulfill the quality standard. The assessment was conducted by two assessors from the Institute of Accreditation for Economics, Management, Business, and Accounting Programs (Lamemba) by cross-checking the field data with the previously submitted data.

Bertempatan di Ruang Rapat gedung I lantai 5, Tim assessment lapangan Lamemba, Prof., Dr.,Ni Wayan Sri Suprapti.,S.E., M.Si dan Prof. Dr. I Putu Astawa.S.E., M.M.

During her greeting, Prof. Dr. Ni Wayan Sri Suprapti, S.E., M.Si., explained that the field assessment was an agenda from Lamemba to review the quality of a department directly from the field. The assessment was conducted by overseeing tangible proof on campus from several notes in the accreditation form. She uttered that this particular occasion also served as an opportunity to maintain the bonds between Lamemba and Udinus, particularly the Economics and Business Faculty. 

“During the assessment process, we could essentially cooperate well. Thus, these months of process could be conducted in order,” she said.

Usai mengikuti seremoni pembukaan, kedua asesor didampingi oleh Kaprodi Doktor Manajemen Udinus Bersama Dekan FEB Udinus dan seluruh sivitas akademika memulai diskusi tentang assessment lapangan.  Kedatangan kedua asesor tersebut dimulai pada 17-19 Januari 2024.

On the same occasion, Nova Rijati, SSi. (the Head of the Quality Assurance Institution at Udinus) and Dr. Drs. Agus Prayitno, M.M., (a member of the Quality Assurance team) also made an appearance at the visitation. 

Sementara itu, Kepala Program Doktor Ilmu Manajemen Udinus, Prof. Dr. Amron, S.E.,M.M turut menyambut kedatangan asesor dari Lamemba tersebut. Terkait dari kunjungan yang dilakukan oleh tim assessment, ia  berharap PDM Udinus mampu mendapatkan hasil akreditasi sebaik mungkin. Ia juga menyampaikan agar kedua asesor memberikan arahan untuk melengkapi segera kekurangan, sehingga dapat segera dibenahi. 

“Kami berharap akreditasi kali ini bisa membawa Program Doktor Manajemen Udinus  menjadi lebih baik lagi, dan bisa mendapatkan akreditasi yang kami harapkan yakni  baik sekali. Akreditasi itu menjadi salah satu syarat agar mampu menerima mahasiswa dari mancanegara,” tutupnya.(Humas Udinus/Alex. foto : Humas Udinus)