Two works created by instructors and students of the Engineering Faculty at Uniersitas Dian Nuswantoro (Udinus) were successfully showcased at the 2024 Business Matching Domestic Product Market. The exhibition was primarily hosted by the Ministry of Industry, with various domestic works and products being showcased there several weeks prior. 

On that occasion, Udinus introduced a product of the Kedaireka Funding Program created by the Engineering Faculty, namely, the metal prosthetic leg. Additionally, the Silicone Partial Foor Prosthetic (SPFP) created by a Biomedical Engineering student was also shown at the exhibition. The exhibition took place at the Menu Sanur, Denpasar, Bali, and it spanned four days, from March 4th to 7th, 2024. 

Merry Sonia Subiantoro, the inventor of the SPFP, explained that the exhibition booth could attract visitors, including government agencies, private agencies, and State-Owned Enterprises from various regions in Indonesia. 

“It has been noted that roughly 30 visitors came to our booth. It is indeed a pleasure for me to participate in an exhibition initiated by the Ministry of Industry. Hopefully, our products can become more widely known by the public,” she explained.

The SPFP is an innovation aimed at people with damaged sole caused either by accidents or congenital issues. 

During the development of this device, Merry and her team utilized the 3D technology to collect data. Following this process, the prosthetic leg was created using a 3D printer to get the most accurate result. By utilizing silicon as one of the materials, the prosthetic leg can be adjusted to the patient’s foot size and shape. Furthermore, it can also be designed as accurately as possible the foot shape, allowing the patients to be more confident.

Garnering Recognition

The exhibition served as a way for the government to push Indonesia to its golden era. At the exhibition, several prominent figures were also present, including Luhut Binsar Pandjaitan, M.P.A., (a staff member of the Maritime and Investment Affairs at the Ministry of Economy), Dr. Agus Gumiwang Kartasasmita, M.Si., (the Minister of Industry). 

Meanwhile, Dita Ayu Mayasari, S.T., M. Biotech., (a faculty member) explained that this opportunity could act as a stepping stone for students to garner experiences. At the exhibition, they could not only see products from one sector but also many other sectors, allowing them to tie a new connection with various institutions. 

“Through this exhibition, our students can get their works to be more well-known by other institutions from many different sectors. This allows them to create new ideas, as well as tie relations with various parties to improve the quality of their products,” she concluded. (Humas Udinus/Haris. Foto: Humas Diktiristek)