The Animation Department at Universitas Dian Nuswantoro (Udinus) has officially tied a collaboration with PT Yamaha Indonesia. The collaboration aims to hold an animation competition entitled Udinus Animasi Feat Yamaha Moving Forw(Art) with Yamaha Fazzio.

The animation contest encompasses 2D and 3D animation categories in the form of illustration posters. It is planned to involve high school students and college students or the general public, with each of them being put in separate categories. The poster can either be worked as an individual or a group, with each participant being only allowed to submit one work.

Furthermore, other conditions must be met in this competition, including originality, having never been submitted to other contests, and having no violent, pornographic, or insensitive elements within the poster. A total of Rp 10 million cash and scholarships will be awarded to the winner of this competition.

Dr. Khafiizh Hastuti, M.Kom., the Head of the Animation Department, looked forward to this collaboration to eventually benefit both Udinus and Yamaha. According to her, this contest would improve the educational outputs at both high school and university levels. The outputs of this contest would also benefit the industry.

“For that reason, I look forward to this collaboration with Yamaha to eventually host the contest. Through this contest, we hope to unveil the latent talents of future animators,” the head department said.

The Commitment to Improving Quality

Meanwhile, Paul Himawan, the Chief of DDS 3 of Central Java – Yogyakarta of PT Yamaha Indonesia Manufacturing, claimed that his party was delighted to partner with a college institution, particularly Udinus. Additionally, they also aimed to further improve the skills skills and quality of many kinds of activities conducted by college institutions. On top of that, Yamaha and Udinus are committed to improving animation quality in Indonesia.

“Yamaha holds a moral responsibility to sustainably improve the quality of students. We will also ensure to bring improvement in demands upon the realm of animation,” Paul Himawan highlighted.

On that occasion, the Memorandum of Understanding was signed both by Prof. Dr. Ir. Edi Noersasongko, M.Kom., the Chancellor of Udinus, and Paul Himawan. The procession was also witnessed by all vice-chancellors and deans of faculties.

Once the contest is over, this series of programs, entitled Yamaha 2 University with Udinus, will also be continued by a seminar concerning animation at the end of May 2024. The series will be concluded with an award for the animation contest. (Humas Udinus/Alex. Foto: Humas Udinus)