The Public Health field in general is important to learn, as it mainly deals with awareness of problems within society and their solutions. Committed to providing a public introduction to the field of Public Health, Public Health students at Universitas Dian Nuswantoro (Udinus) hosted an event entitled ‘Space for Health (S4H) 2024.’ The event took place on Wednesday, June 19th, 2024.
The event was hosted at the stone tables in front of the D building at Udinus. It was specifically spearheaded by Public Health students of Health Promotion concentration. As stated by Fais Anwar Albakarah (the Head Organizer), the event was held in the form of an expo, with 600 visitors coming to five different stands.
“Four of those stands were themed health science divided into groups, namely, pornography, mental, health, toxic relationship, and smoking. Furthermore, we also opened one health post to the public,” he explained.
“So, students are not the only ones participating in this event, but we also encouraged locals to come for health checkups. The checkups encompass free medicine, blood sugar tests, gout, and cholesterol,” Fais uttered.
Furthermore, Fais also stated that each stand featured an interactive activity involving visitors. Those activities include educational games and a counseling corner.
“In the counseling corner, visitors can share their complaints and spill their emotions and feelings to the counselor of every stand. We also provide them prizes in each stand,” he continued.

EXPRESSING FEELINGS: The counseling corner was used by students to reveal their concerns regarding public health at the H4S Festival Udinus.
Raising Awareness of Public Health
The S4H Festival—with the theme of ‘Dare to Love Our Self’, —focused on the quarter-life crisis undergone by the young generation. The quarter-life crisis is a phase and obstacle faced by every individual, particularly the young generation. The young generation has currently entered their adulthood with anxiety, fears, and confusion about their future. For this to be handled, the young generation needs to be aware of the quarter-life crisis phenomenon.
On a separate occasion, Dr. Eti Rimawati, S.K.M., M.Kes.,—the Head of the Public Health Student Department—stated that one of the aims of the Public Health field was to provide resources that could keep up with the current technological and scientific breakthroughs. Moreover, it is also necessary for students to actively participate in various health policy advocacies and community empowerment, and also build a perfect atmosphere to improve the Public Health field in Indonesia.
“This event is also our initial step to form a healthy paradigm mindset, as well as instill love in the Public Health field. This will allow our students and the young generation in general to be competent leaders,” she stated.
Additionally, this festival also aimed to give positive impacts and benefits to both students and the locals’ health, particularly within the campus environment.
“We also expect this expo to change students’ mindset, allowing them to be more aware of their health. On top of that, the expo should also be more routinely hosted to maintain this mindset,” she concluded.
In addition to an expo, there was also a National Seminar of Health Science featuring competent speakers, particularly in mental health. (Humas Udinus/Ika. Foto: Dok. Kesmas Udinus)