Starting off as a regular assignment, a team consisting of four students of Universitas Dian Nuswantoro (Udinus) triumphantly emerged as a runner-up at a competition known as the 2018 Universitas Indonesia Reaction.


The competition-themed 'Earthquake Safety Tips’ was held in the Vocational Auditorium at Universitas Indonesia, Depok. The team consisted of four students, including Aditya Priyudha, Fahmi F. Hikmawan, Andreas Pratama, and Aulia Robertco. They were grouped into a team named ‘Playmate.’ At the competition, the team created a one-minute Public Service Announcement, which tells a story regarding what to do when an earthquake happens.


Anggota tim ‘Teman Bermain’, Fahmi. F. Hikmawan mengatakan melalui lomba yang diikuti timnya, dapat memberikan sumbangsih terhadap Udinus agar lebih terkenal di Indonesia.

“Kami didn't expect to win second place, and of course, we are proud of our victory as we had outclassed other participants, as well as made a name for our campus. We purposefully made our animated video as simple as possible so that the audience can get the meaning right away,” he said.


He revealed that the video was initially intended as an ordinary class assignment, with only a week spent creating the project. During the preparation, the team encountered several problems, one of which was the fact that the deadline was so short.

“We saw an advertisement for this competition on social media, so upon seeing it, we immediately registered to participate with the permission given by faculty members. Unexpectedly, the whole academic community on campus provided a big assistance to us,” he revealed.


The team aimed to create more productive and beneficial projects for the general public.

“We would like to produce more work; our current accomplishment only pushes us to better in creating more creative projects. Also, it may serve as a stepping stone for other students to become more productive,” he hoped.


The 2018 Universitas Indonesia Reaction featured five judges whose field of expertise was Communication and Disaster Mitigation. Some of them were a professor of Public Health at Universitas Indonesia, the Head of Public Relations at the Meteorological, Climatological, and Geophysical Agency, and the Head of Public Relations at the Regional National Narcotics Board.


Sementara itu, Kahumas Udinus, Agus Triyono, S.Sos, Msi mengungkapkan rasa bangganya terhadap mahasiswa DKV yang berhasil menembus kancah nasional. “Empat mahasiswa DKV Udinus ini tiga diantaranya adalah mahasiswa Beasiswa Unggulan. Sehingga kerja keras mereka dalam membuktikan manfaat Beasiswa Unggulan terbayar sudah. Semoga prestasi mereka menginspirasi sivitas akademika Udinus,” tandas Agus. (*Humas Udinus/alex/AT. Foto : Alex Devanda)