Developing creative ideas through essays, proposal texts, and the Student Creativity Program (PKM) has always been a hobby possessed by Dyah Agita Kusumaningsih, an Undergraduate Environmental Health Student at Universitas Dian Nuswantoro (Udinus). 


Gita claimed that she has been interested in creative writing since high school. Initially, she was intrigued with the concept of writing proposal texts and research reports during her internship program, thence her writing hobby began to lit. In 2020, she emerged as a champion at a writing competition hosted by a student association at a university in Jember.

“I tried to compete in a national essay contest named ‘Biological Science Day.’ I believe the theme of the event was ‘Optimization of Gen Z’s Role in Facing the COVID-19 Pandemic through Multisector.’ Initially, I was only hoping to gather more experience but it turned out that I won second place; thence, I became more and more pumped up,” Gita revealed.


Gita, a student of the 2019 cohort, participated in the contest with two of her friends namely Dwi Puspa Oktaningtyas and Leony Christine Manurung. Gita alongside her team wrote an essay entitled ‘3MT Method as an Alternative to Handling Environmental Crisis from The Wastes of Disposable Face Masks.’

“We wrote this essay for about a month. It mainly discusses a method to mitigate the increase of disposable face mask wastes during the COVID-19 pandemic, both in educative and active manners,” Gita, born on August 2, 2002, in Blora, explained.


Gita whose job is to help her parents maintain their boarding house proposed her Student Creativity Program through the support given by her lecturers and friends.


Gita has her own way of maintaining her busy days. “To maximize my learning experience on campus, I normally work on assignments, essays, etc. at night as I get countless creative ideas at these hours,” she concluded (Humas Udinus/Haris. Foto: Dok. Pribadi)


Name :

Dyah Agita Kusumaningsih – Mahasiswi S1 Kesehatan Lingkungan Udinus