Both international and national achievements are sources of pride, especially for students who boost their campus’ reputation. Obviously, attaining international and national achievements requires persistence and unwillingness to give up. This exact same scenario happened to a Visual Communication Design Student at Universitas Dian Nuswantoro (Udinus) Kediri, Richo Bima Saputra. 
Richo had successfully achieved many national-level accomplishments including, The 2020 East Java 3D Art Game and being the champion of the Kediri Cultural Vlog Competition. His success was credited to none other than his persistence as an animator, designer, and videographer. 
Richo revealed that studying animation could serve as a learning medium and a source of information. In the production stage, Animation requires a few processes including, storyboard creation and character design. 
“Other than attending classes and working, I also work tirelessly to introduce the animation industry to the general public through working in an edutainment animation studio,” he explained.
Richo, born on March 20th, 2002, majored in Visual Communication Design at Udinus Kediri to convey his expertise in the 3D animation sector. He claimed that the Visual Communication Study Program at Udinus Kediri was fully equipped with sufficient facilities and talented lecturers.
“During practical classes, we are always instructed and supervised in every class session. At Udinus Kediri, I could learn nirmana, manual drawing, sketching, and technical drawing.,” Richo concluded. (Humas Udinus/Alex. Foto: Dok. Pribadi)