Stunting is among the serious health conditions experienced by children. This condition can be defined as a chronic malnutrition mainly experienced by children. As for the cause, it is caused by the lack of nutrition....
Recent News
Udinus Held Delcom as a Way for Students to Convey Their Innovations Concerning Smart Homes and Global Climate
Smart Home merupakan teknologi yang praktis dan dapat memudahkan manusia dalam melakukan kegiatan sehari-hari di rumah. Apalagi, di era serba digital seperti sekarang ini. Menyoroti hal ini,...
High School Students Gain Insights about the Golden Era of Technology at the ITC Event
The Informatics Engineering Student Association (IESA) of Universitas Dian Nuswantoro (Udinus) provides a forum for high school and vocational school students to hone their skills in the field of technology. The activity is realized through an IT Competition...
Udinus Hosted D’Combe as a Platform for High School Students to Learn Medical Technologies
Universitas Dian Nuswantoro (Udinus) encouraged high school students to push their critical thinking skills to a greater extent through the 2024 Debate Competition...
DID.Co Facilitated the Genius Ideas Possessed by Students Concerning Green Energy Through the 2024 Dipost
Technological Advancements in the globalization era and industrial development have currently garnered a spotlight. The application and integration of eco-friendly energy or Green Energy must be put into consideration....
150 Young Badminton Athletes Compete at Dinus Cup VI
At the beginning of the 2024 Dinus Festival (Dinusfest), Dinus Badminton Cup VI was hosted for high school students. Dozens of high schools dispatched their best athletes to compete...
The Student Executives at Udinus Encouraged High-School Students to Hone Their Leadership
Universitas Dian Nuswantoro (Udinus) melalui Osis Goes to Campus berikan seminar kepemimpinan kepada siswa SMA/K se-Jawa Tengah. Melalui seminar itu, siswa ditanamkan jiwa kepemimpinan yang ideal...
Udinus Held the Dinus Chess Competition 4.0
Universitas Dian Nuswantoro (Udinus) melalui memberikan wadah bagi para atlet Catur dari seluruh Indonesia untuk mengasah kemampuan mereka. Berbeda dengan tahun sebelumnya, Dinus Chess Competition...
Dozens of High School Students Simulated a First Aid Methods on Accident Victims
Puluhan lomba yang digelar Dinusfest 2024, ada beberapa lomba yang digelar dengan agenda yang sama setiap tahunnya. Satu diantaranya adalah First Aid Competition yang diselenggarakan oleh Korps...